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RECENT: "Israel Magic - Summer in Istria"

  •   The start of tradition

    Numerous visitors had a chance to enjoy magic of Israeli artists, musicians, dancers and singers that performed during last two summers in Croatia as part of the cultural program organized by the Embassy.

    This year, summer cultural program took place in beautiful Istria from
    August 3-9, 2013.

    "Israel Magic - Summer in Istria"  presented number of Israeli artist, including Sheketak Dance Group, Amir Gwirtzman, The Carmel Quartet, Mentalist Lior Suchard...


    (Photo above: Carmel A-Cappella, August's Temple, August 3, 2013)

    (Photo below:
    Ambassador Amrani, Istria County Prefect Valter Flego and Pula Deputy Mayor Fabrizio Radin officially opened the event, August 3, 2013)

    (Lior Suchard in Pula, August 4, 2013)

    (Tasting of Israeli Food,Pula, August 3-9, 2013)

    From the Press Conference:

    A cultural event called "The Magic of Israel, Summer in Istria" will be held in Pula and Porec on August 3-9, was said at a press conference in Pula on Thursday, July 25th:

    The event, organised by the Israeli Embassy, City of Pula and Istria County, will feature, among other things, dance, music, photography and gastronomy. 

    Culture connects people, nations and countries, and Croatia and Israel as two Mediterranean countries have a lot in common, Israeli Ambassador Yossi Amrani said.

    "The Magic of Israel, Summer in Istria is an opportunity to evaluate a great contribution of Israel to European civilisation. If the Mediterranean Sea is a place of contact between different nations and civilisations, the sea that has always connected people living on its shores, then culture is more than that," Istria County head Valter Flego said, adding that the event would contribute to the promotion of the principle of multiculturalism, multilingualism and multiethnic tolerance.(Tportal)

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    Magic in Istria Magic in Istria Copyright: embassy


    "Israel Magic Summer in Novalja" was a cultural event that took place in summer 2011 in beautiful Novalja.
    And in year 2012, citizens and visitors of Zadar had enjoyed "Israel Magic Zadar Summer".

    Both summer events gathered the most distinguished Israeli artists that enchanted the audience with their brilliant performance, passion and love:

    Zadar, 12 - 19, July, 2012

    Thursday, July 12 ,
    21.15hrs OPENING CEREMONY (FORUM)         

    22.00hrs YAMMA ensemble  (FORUM)
    The singer of the Israeli group Yamma, Tayla Solan, is known for her incredible voice and is considered a real refreshment of the Israeli World Music Scene.
    In 2004 she founded the ethno ensamble Yamma consisting of five extraordinary musicians.
    Five musicians draw from the roots of ancient Israeli  poetry and music to present joyous, vibrant and passionate music. Bringing the cultural mosaic that is Israel alive, Yamma blends the traditional sounds of the Middle East and the contemporary rhythms of the West.
    To listen to Yamma Ensemble is to stroll the markets of Old Jaffa, so sip a coffee in a café above the Mediterranean. It is to experience the mystery of Israel.

    • Friday, July 13 
      (Heb. ; Welcoming of Shabat) Marks the beginning of Shabbat, the time of Friday evening which precedes the regular evening prayer and welcomes Shabbat. Ceremony takes place before sundown and consists of lighting of candles, reciting the poetry and singing of songs in honor of Shabbat.

      20.30hrs: Exhibition: MENASHE KADISHMANN at ST. DONAT CHURCH
      Menache Kadishman is one of the most famous Israeli painters and sculptors.
      In his youth Kadishman worked as a shepherd in a kibbutz. This experience with nature, sheep and shepherding had a significant impact on his later artistic work and career.

      Jazz klezmer band was founded in 2004 owing to the energy of composer Yuri Povolotsky. It is a combination of folklore with elements of classical music, jazz, funk and Mediterranean ethnic culture which creats a basis for modern performing of traditional klezmer

      23.30hrs: Film "Broken Wings"
      Film Broken Wings tells a story of a family breaking apart after the father's death. Maya wants to win a competition, Ido tries to photograph himself jumping from a high place, Yair is being suffocated in a meaningless existence and the mother tries to keep the family together.

      Saturday, July 14
                            Chef Ziv Shelef

      Gottex, the iconic swimwear brand was established in 1956. Since establishmenthemnt it has always been associated with quality, fashion and glamour. Gottex is seen as a fashion leader in the swimwear business.

      22.30hrs: MEHOLA FOLK GROUP (FORUM)
      The repertory of the Mehola folk Group includes Israeli folk dances, dances in honor of certain holidays and religious festivities, popular ethnic dances like Hora, Hasidic dances, Oriental and Arab dances and jazz and various modern styles.

      23.30hrs: Film NOODLE (FORUM)
      At thirty-seven, Miri is a twice-widowed, El Al flight attendant. Her well-regulated existence is suddenly turned upside down by an abandoned Chinese boy whose migrant-worker mother has been summarily deported from Israel. The film is a touching comic-drama in which two human beings - as different from each other as Tel Aviv is from Beijing
      - accompany each other on a remarkable journey, one that takes them both back to a meaningful life

      Sunday, July 15

      In the 50 years of its existence the choir has held numerous concerts in Israel and abroad, often as accompaniment of the Hora Jerusalem Dance Group. Its rich repertory includes foreign songs which have come to Israel together with a multitude of immigrants and which have been translated into Hebrew. There are also Israeli folk songs which originated in various Jewish communities in the centuries of the Diaspora.

      Sheketak is the joint project of extraordinary dancers and rhythm experts who in their modern innovative choreographies unite music, rhytm and dance sequences in different styles like break-dance, step, hip hop, etc.

      When a family from India moves to Israel in the 1960's, they are settled in a desert neighborhood in Southern Israel.The film also explores the hardships and surprises that come with the integration of multiple families from different ethnic backgrounds (from the Diaspora) and their struggle with immigration and prejudice.

      Monday, July 16

      The exhibition, consisting of 25 color photographs, introduces Jerusalem from a "bird's eye" caught by the skilful lens of Duby Tal, who served as a helicopter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. The photographs show us different faces of Jerusalem - old and ancient, new and modern. The magnficant photographs take us on an air tour of Jerusalem.

      22.00 FASHION SHOW (FORUM)

      23.00 Film SHLOMI’S STARS (FORUM)
      Hebrew title: - Shlomi's Stars) is a 2003 film written and directed by Shemi Zarhin about a 16-year-old boy named Shlomi, who lives with his restless mother, his soldier brother, and their ill grandfather. Although not doing well in school, Shlomi is a gifted cook and takes care of most household chores. Shlomi is pretty much invisible to those he cares for - until a math test at school catches the attention of Shlomi's teacher, who suspects that a unique gift lies behind that dormant facade.

      Tuesday, July 17
               Organized by Podravka

      Barack Marshall is one of the most innovative Israeli choreographers. His performance “Emma Goldmann’s Wedding” won all the awards at the international competition Bagnolet in Paris. His troupe performs all over the world.
      Performance Rooster was created in 2009 and it is based on the Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” as well as Bible stories and Yemenite folklore.

      A group of fat people from the Israeli city of Ramla is fed up with the sanctity of diets and the 'Dictatorship of the Thinness' of the diet workshop they participate in. They leave it and discover the world of sumo, where fat people like them are honored and appreciated. Through sumo they are connecting to themselves and to their fat body, each one in his own way.

      Wednesday, July 18
      Since its establishment in 2000 Dafna String Quartet has become an important part of the Israeli music scene and gained many acclaims. All members of the quartet are also members of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra: Dorit Valk, Amon Valk, Elianna Lovenberg and Yoram Alperin.
      The well known violinist Guy Figer will also take part in the concert.
      The ensemble performs regularly in Israel and abroad.

      22.30 Film WALK ON WATER (FORUM)
      Eyal is a Mossad agent whose task is to eliminate enemies of Israel. His wife has recently commited suicide and his boss decide that it is time for him to get an easier task: to find an elderly Nazi war criminal before his death.Eyal befriends the grown-up grandchildren of the old Nazi, Axel and Pia...

      Thursday, July 19
      22.00 LIOR SUCHARD (FORUM)
      Lior Suchard can read minds. His outstanding performances of mind reading thought influencing, predicting and telekinesis have earned him international acclaim as a top class supernatural entertainer and mentalist from members of the public. He has performed with enormous success in 42 countries around the world, regularly appears on the Israeli TV. He was a guest at Jay Leno's and Larry King's shows.

      23.30 Film BAND’S VISIT (FORUM)
      A band comprised of members of the Egyptian police force head to Israel to play at the opening ceremony of an Arab arts center. By mistake they find themselves in a wrong town. 

    •                   PROGRAM of "ISRAEL MAGIC - SUMMER IN NOVALJA'':
                                Novalja, from July 27 till August 6, 2011.
    • July 27, 2011: Festive Opening
      20.30: Amir Gwirtzman and Novalja City Choir
                Monument by Toni Franovic
      22.00: Movie “Noodle”
      July 28, 2011:
      20.30: Exhibition “Landscape of Israel”
      24.00: DJ Astral Projection
      Exhibition ‘’Landscape of Israel”:
      Paintings of several Israeli painters are exhibited at the Novalja City Museum, as well as some oils on canvass by the Croatian painter Toni Franović who worked in Israel for a long time and his paintings are inspired bz the beauty of Israel's landscape.
      DJ Astral Projection:
      Astral Projection is an electornic musical group producing psychedelic trance and goa trance music based in Israel. Its current memberes are Avi Nissim and Lior Perlmutter. Although the majority of their releases have been done trough their own record company ''Trust in Trance'', they have also released records with other labels including Transient. In addition to an extensive discography, the group has an extensive worldwide touring.

      July 29, 2011:
      21.00: Amir Gwirtzman
      22.00: Movie “A matter of size”
      Amir Gwirtzman begun his solo project ‘’Inhale –Exhale’’ in November 2008, performing alone on stage surrounded by 20 woodwinds, reeds, horns, pipes, flutes and percussion instruments. Amir infuses “Inhale –Exhale’’ with a unique blend of the earthly R&B of Ray Charles, the soaring Jazz of Chick Corea and Miles Davis, with the rich rhythms of Cuban Jazz along with Middle Eastern, Gipsy, Jewish Klezmer, ARMENIAN, Irish Celtic and Native American influences as well.

      July 31, 2011
      21.00: Hanoch Rosenn was raised in Jerusalem. His first experience in working with pantomime was high-schools student and he created a one –man mime show which performed in front of enthusiastic crowds in the Pargod Theater in Jerusalem. He traveled to Paris in order to study pantomime with Etienne Le Crux, Marcel Marceau’s pantomime teacher. Rosenn was accepted into the army as pantomime artist.
      24.00: DJ Yahel Sherman is an Israeli trance producer and DJ Sherman started his DJ career at the age of 14. Producing mostly psychedelic trance music, he has collaborated with other artists such as Infected Mushrooms and Eyal Brakan. In the 2008 DJ ranking complied by DJ mag, Yahel placed 56th.
      He produced six artist albums, mixed three compilations and released dozen of vinyls

    • August 1, 2011
      21.00: Magic Violins trio is a group of young talented violinists.
      The member of the ensemble, Gennady Talis , Inna Tilis and Radio Seiler, were a great success playing the different programs during their concerts.
    • 22.00:Movie SHLOMI'S STARS

    • August 2, 2011
      20.00: Dance Group Halleluja
      The fresh and dazzling Halleluja Dance Company swept Israel and the world with its youthful spirit, love of dance and diversified repertoire it offers. Halleluja brings to the audience a multitude of dance styles and a wide selection of dances.
      22.00: Movie ‘’Turn left at the end of the world”

    • August 3, 2011:
      20.30: Exhibition "Horizons"
      21.30: Michal Negrin Fashion Show
      22.00: Movie “Broken Wings”
    • August 4,2011
      21.00: Israeli Ethnic Ensemble brings the cultural mosaic that is Israel alive. Their sounds –drawn from Eastern , Balkan, Gipsy, Sephardic and Yemenite melodies –are at times rollicking and joyous, at others moving and mournful. But they are always vibrant and passionate and performed from the heart. To listen to the Israeli Ethnic Ensemble is to stroll the markets of Old Jaffa, to sip coffee in a café above the Mediterranean. Ensemble is a five member band  formed in 2004 by musicians from some of the many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds that all call Israel home.

    • August 5, 2011:
      16.00: Fashion show “FOX”
    • August 6, 2011:
      24.00: Infected Mushroom
                Moon and Rock Festival

      August 28 till 31, 2011: Tasting of Israeli food
                Chef: Ran Shmueli
    • In every transformation Shmueli invents himself over, each time more subtly and boldly, and sometimes even ahead of his time. Shmueli believes success depends on the combination of several carefully selected ingredients which together create special experience.
